Most provides many means for creating streams, the simplest of which is the of
function. In this lesson, we demonstrate the use of of
to lift a single value into a stream. We also show off the just
alias of of
, as well as, a common method for currying a function.
Use CDN:
most.of('anything')console.log(stream) // { source: { value: 'anything' } }
Use require:
const { just , of} = mostconst log = label => value => logger(label, value);most.of('anything') .observe(log('string'))just('anything') .observe(log('string'))just(23) .observe(log('number'))// Bonus Bits// Lift all the thingsjust(true) .observe(log('boolean'))just({ a: 1, b: 2 }) .observe(log('object'))just([ 1, 2, 3]) .observe(log('array'))just(x => x) .observe(log('function'))just(undefined) .observe(log('undefined'))/*string:'anything'string:'anything'number:23boolean:trueobject:{ a: 1, b: 2 }array:[ 1, 2, 3 ]function:Functionundefined:undefined*/